Last Friday, me and some 5FIX2 riders hit up the LBCM. Wow... the amount of BS we got from the cops were on a level i had never experienced. There was at the very least, 5 squad cars, 5 motorcycles cops, 5 segways, and about 10 bicycle cops, all for a bunch of kids on bikes that just want to ride. As soon as we started the cops began to yell at us to ride in a single file and threaten us with tickets. We made it around a corner when a squade car pulled up in front of our single file line pulled us over and began to ticket cyclist. A friend of mine (Patrick) was given up to three tickets. When the cops stoped us, some of us tried to talk with them about why in LB on a Friday night a bunch of kid cyclist were beging given so much attention rather than patrolling the rest of LB were... shit really does go down. They answered was... that there had been complaints about cyclist running red light, and riding on the wrong side of the street. Illegal yes... however on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the wrost... i would have to say, sadly that wrost events took place in LB that night and the cops were dispathched to ticket a bunch of kids for not having lights. Sounds crazy to me!
here is a video